I Forgive You, Yarn Harlot
I think you really had to love Stephanie McPhee these last few weeks to get through that Sock a Day business. Over the summer, I had my own personal Sockstravaganza, but I didn't limit myself to just socks. I made six pair in about a month, but I only took a few pictures.
Here is the pair made for Emily with the second greatest invention in the world, Regia Self Striping Sock Yarn. (The greatest invention in the world is EZ Pass). I used Size One needles for these: toothpicks are thicker.

But someone has to write about the perversly pleasurable tediousness of sock knitting, because Life Is Often Like That. As I was knitting (not a sock) on the bus to work this morning I realized that I love that blog because it reminds me of those EM Delafield "Diary Of..." books where we are frequently told that Life Is Often Like That. If you haven't read any of them, I recommend you just buy Diary of a Provincial Lady one from your favorite online book seller right now. I know from my many readings of all of the Diaries that the main character - never named, for after all, she is A Lady - is a bad knitter and never played golf.
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