Knit 2 Par 3

Thursday, October 19, 2006

And Another Thing

I walked halfway crosstown today to check out the Interweave Knits Holiday issue and was I dissapointed! It's not enough that I was foolish enough to actually go to work today when everyone thought I had one more day of jury duty, but I could hardly contain my dismay about the RERUN patterns in this issue.

If you read this blog, you probably have every back issue of Interweave Knits or else you could borrow them from me. Many recent patterns are reprinted in this holiday issue. To whom are they marketing? Who wants to see that knitted heart tree ornament again? And knitted fruit? I don't want any for Christmas.

Good thing this weekend is the Sheep and Wool Festival. I have a bag of money to bring with me and I am not leaving until I've touched every fleece, spent every penny and air-kissed every blogging compatriot.

I've been so crabby lately: the limited knitting, the seasonal demise of golf and, even worse: self imposed (albeit limited) sobriety. It all has to stop, right now! I took a quiz on the internet which proved the worst:

My Personality
Openness To Experience
Test Yourself Compare Yourself View Full Report
Find your soulmate / pysch twin

MySpace Layouts, student loan consolidation and MySpace by Pulseware Survey Software

Look at how disagreeble I turn out to be! Not even a little blip on the chart.

Hey: if you pick up the dry cleaning for me when I am at Sheep and Wool, I'll give you a present. Something knitted! If you're a kid: cash.


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