A Whole Lotta Dreams Come True
I have a big list of things in my head that I hope will happen someday. Some of them take planning skill and practice and a little bit of luck: I would like to break 100 in golf one day, and I'd like to knit a pair of socks where both socks that are the same size. But I got to cross three things off the list on Saturday, with a Little Luck.
Here they are, not in order of occurrence or importance:
Olive Bobble Love: in the time before Ravelry you really had to work that Internet to find anybody talking about the kind of knitting that I (and I'm presuming you) wanted to do. Mass market yarn manufacturers had free patterns for garter stitch scarves made out of their petroleum products, but I needed something else.
One of the very first knitting/sewing blogs I found was Redlipstick, and the Olive Bobble Hat, which I have made for many folks over the years. I have maybe even made it for you! Here is Emily wearing the last one I made:

Dontcha know on Saturday afternoon I found myself in Brooklyn shaking hands with Stacyjoy, the very designer of this fine pattern? How exciting was that? It was like meeting one of the Founding Mothers of Knit.
Victorian Mourning Jewelry. Although I've read about it in countless novels and history books, never have I had the opportunity to touch actual Victorian mourning jewelry until this weekend. Although it was for sale in a store I really felt like I was at a museum show because I learned a lot about the manufacture and customs around it, and it was just as creepy to handle as I had hoped it would be.
Love on a Stick, Dipped in Chocolate. Anything is improved if you put it on a stick, and dip it in really rich dark chocolate. (Well, maybe not meat). But everything else works, including key lime pie. Because I've never been and have long wanted to go, we went here and got this. You should too, just take my word for it, even if your dreams are made of something else.
I think, when one is trying to improve meat, the chocolate is replaced by some sort of batter and the freezer is replaced by deep frying. The stick is ever present - unless of course there is some sort of protruding bone that can act as a substitute!
I'm surprised they didn't have some version of this at the Brooklyn Flea.
All three things are amazing - great hat, very creepy jewelry and the pie on a stitck sounds amazing!
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