Knit 2 Par 3

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Please Don't Try This At Home

At the knitting group last week, it was suggested that I may sometimes be - judgemental about the knitting projects of certain members. Me! It's true. I think there are some things best not knitted. Or worse, crocheted.

Example number one is this knitted garden. When I saw the link I was looking for the garden part, with some flowers or even rocks, not just the cutesy rodents.

I also think you should only knit food if you are doing it for a toddler's kitchen set. Here is some very nice sushi, some pizza, and a fine Fiesta Ware tea set. That's okay, just don't ask me to admire it or to knit any for you.

For some reason, I feel more forgiving about knitted organs. The knitted uterus could also double as a hat, I think, which makes it useful. But in general, I think no one should ever, ever, ever knit a vibrator cover and one with googly eyes too! Keep it in your underwear drawer and it won't get cold. Believe me.

Knitting is craft. You can use knitting as a medium in creating art, but if you do I hope you are trying to say something bigger than look at this carrot I knitted with orange yarn.


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