Knit 2 Par 3

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Par-digan Sweater

I was totally unprepared fashion wise on Sunday for golf. First, of course, I found it hard to believe that some of us could get up so early in the morning that I thought I had way more time than I did. Some of us got up at 5:10 am, got fully dressed and I guessed watched Davey and Goliath until daybreak, but some of us just layed around betting they could get another hour of sleep before the rest showed up.

I ended up rushing out of the house and wearing something both too hot and not warm enough at the same time. I actually ended up half in pajamas half in John's clothes. (I did have on my own underwear). The rules at Weequahic mention "Proper Attire Required" twice on the score card; clearly, a failure on my part.

So I decided on a good stylish golf related knitting project for myself: the Par-digan. As mentioned before in this space, I have a lot of yarn. It's unusual for me to go to a yarn store and not buy some yarn, but it's not unusual for me to come home and leave it in a bag for a year.

And I get on these binges, like with the sock yarn. Hey you people! The Sockstravaganza has finally come to an end. There are socks for everyone but not even my loved ones can be enthusiastic about socks in July. I'll give them out in the fall. (It's even too hot in the house to take a picture of them right now, maybe later).

But I'm going to treat myself to a golf sweater, and I call it the pattern the Pardigan. For each round of golf I play, I will subtract par from my actual score, and knit that many stripes in one color and switch each round. For that elusive Par round I've chosen a really fuzzy magenta yarn that I must have purchased in a yarn store blackout, because I can't remember how it got in the stash box at all. I am using Ann Budd's Handy Book of Sweater Patterns - the round yoke cardigan can basically be knitted in one piece with a little modification of the pattern. So far, I've knitted through the first nine holes; so, time for a Snickers bar.


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