Knit 2 Par 3

Monday, September 15, 2008

Not Really My Bliss, but...

You'd think I'd be right on top of something like this, a new magazine entirely devoted to one knitwear designer. I probably like Debbie Bliss less than most knitters, because of the endless endless endless cables in her patterns. For you golfers, cables are like putts. You have to have some skill in doing them to get through the game, and like the dream of a two putt shot, there are always many more than you bargained for.

There is also the problem of the cozies.

As a Brit she probably has to include some cozies, but I draw the line at the egg cozies that go right on the egg and get served on the table. It's bad enough that people knit cozies for appliances but there is no excuse for knitting little hats for food. If I had my own magazine, I'd put some cozy patterns in there for hot dogs, or maybe pork chops, see how you like that huh.

But some of the sweaters, cables and all, are pretty fab and I am thinking about rethinking my dislike of cables. I mean maybe one or two cables could be nice.

Even though I have this here blog, I wish someone would make a knitting 'zine about my life. Looking at her Letter to the Editor picture, I see I have exactly the same kind of hair as Debbie Bliss, and I have a similarly ill fitting teenaged name. My knitting magazine would have absolutely no cozy patterns, and I'd keep cable-osity to the minimum. I'd have horoscopes, and a political column, and maybe one of those "short stories" like in the back of Bust magazine - but yarn related. And a little travel column too.


Blogger Unknown said...

Bust had one of those 'short stories' about knitting. It even involved a cozy of sorts.

9/16/2008 10:39:00 AM  

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