Knit 2 Par 3

Friday, October 10, 2008


We started the long Columbus Day weekend a little early, staying out late on Thursday (well, late for us: crochet-tolerant Trouble dropped us off at 11:30) because we went to see Times New Viking, a band from Columbus, Ohio.

Columbus! What's happening there? This band had a great sound and they were fronted by a cute and hard working girl. There she is in that picture above.

They have a lot of yarn stores in Columbus. They have their own craft fair. If I lived there, I could move out of the 1938 Museum into a big house.

I've heard from a Reliable Source that Columbus has it's good and bad points, and the insurmountable bad point is that Columbus Ohio is not a neighborhood of New York City. I think next year I'd like to take a trip there on this long weekend and see for myself.


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