S.E.X., and (then) the City
I would have posted last night, as usual, but I had a superbad yarn hangover. It started on Friday night, with a trip to Beans and Noodles to see if the new Interweave Magazine had arrived. There were no new knitting magazines, but that didn't stop me from looking at every pattern in every issue of all the rest of them, again - even the ugly British ones. Saturday found me behind the wheel of my large automobile zooming up 9W looking for a little Stash Enhancement eXcursion. I was totally and completely satisfied with my nooner with Noro at Knitting Nation, although surprisingly I left with a big bag of Malabrigo. It's important to try new things!
When I got home I put a cool cloth on my head, took a little disco nap, and headed out to see what this new High Line Park was all about. It's about this: wow! Wildflowers! Stainless steel and concrete! And you can see my house from there:

In New York, you are either on the ground, or under the ground, or way high up. This High Line Park runs through the city at a height I've never been before while outside and your view of the city is very different. There are no swings or sandboxes, and the noise is chiefly the approving murmurs of handsome european tourists walking hand in hand. There were a lot of Finns there, and I was dying to ask them to translate this pattern, but Carrie Bradshaw wouldn't let me.
Did I say Carrie Bradshaw? I meant Emily, but you decide. Here she is, at the intersection of Ninth Avenue and 1992: