What I did on My Winter Vacation
I had this week off, maybe for the first time ever in my working life. Usually at my job I have about a million things to do to close out the year but this year I left all that to a very competent someone else in the office and I haven't looked back once.
We had a long list of home improvements to accomplish, and we made it through enough of them to warrant me unlocking the door and letting the family out for breath of fresh air.
First we checked on the only really important home improvement project going on in some people's minds, the new Yankee Stadium:

I cannot imagine how this thing will be done in time for opening day, which is a mere 2,268 hours away.
Just down the street from Yankeeville is The Bronx Museum, where we saw a really terrific show called Street Art Street Life. The real excitement in this show are films and other documentation of some performance art pieces, like this one by Tehching Hsieh. The show is open until January 25 and it's free on Fridays, so run don't walk to the D train.
After all that walking around in the sunshine we went to a dark movie theater to see Milk and it was faboo. There was so much weeping and sobbing going on in this theater at certain points you would think we were all there to see Wuthering Heights. The man sitting next to Emily was so vaklempt he thought he was going to have to leave the theater. Spoiler Alert: mysteriously, not one Twinkie in the whole movie.
Well, I realize it is New Year's Eve and I meant to do one of those Year In Review Round Ups so here it is: I had a pretty good year. I finished 19 knitted things. I played a lot of golf. If any of our friends were in town tonight, we'd have a little new year's eve party at our house. But, since you are all away, and we are house sitting for most of you, we may have the little party at YOUR house.